
discover the Radio password for GM/GP 300 series (Try with GP380 and GP388R).

 After some time I find a method to discover the Radio password for GM/GP 300 series (Try with GP380 and GP388R).

1. Connect the radio to the PC
2. Download a serial port sniffer (like portmon.exe) and start it
3. Push Read Radio on CPS interface
4. Return to the sniffer and find (around line 230-240) a line like this one (the last part of the line is always FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 )
233 0.04440711 gp300.exe IRP_MJ_READ Serial2 SUCCESS Length 36: 00 02 C0 32 41 30 31 30 39 03 19 CD FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
5. Take the 4 digits hex number before the last third. In this case 03 19 CD are the last third (before FF FF ...)
6. The password was 3039 in hex.
7. Find a hex-dec converter and convert 3039
8. Great: the password is 12345

Good hack :p :lol:





Untuk membuat yagi dan Rotari untuk 40m ( 7mc ), yang diperpendek dengan trap coil 80 lilitan rapat pada 1/2" pvc, agar tidak terlalu panjang yg semestinyatotal panjang 22m diperpendek menjadi 13,6M
Gambar .
  • Jika menginginkan menjadi 80m coil trap dibuat menjadi 160Lilit dengan kawat sama.


Installing Homebrew without XCode Install only the commandline tools


Install Command Line Tools

xcode-select --install  

When this is finished, you can install homebrew!

Install Homebrew

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

You’re welcome!


MRTG 64Bit Counter Add Device


MRTG 64Bit Counter Add Device

root@mrtg-htsnet:/etc# cfgmaker –snmp-options=:::::2 htsnet@ > /etc/mrtg-sw129.cfg

indexmaker /etc/mrtg-sw129.cfg > /var/www/html/mrtg/SW-129-MMR-IDC-3D-LT-3-CISCO-4948/index.html

Simple modification of the HM-36 Microphone from ICOM

There are two different types of ICOM microphone HM-36 (exclude chinese fake):

First type (old model) sounds well, but other type (new model since late 2007/begin 2008) sounds pretty bad. The difference between two types you can find very simple. Old type microphone has three wires in cable – Black, Red and shield (grounded wire). New type has only two wires. If you have mic of second type, perhaps you needed to modify it, because after modification you will feel that higher and lower frequencies becomes better.

You need follow next steps:

  1. Disassemble the housing of new type microphone
  2. Find on the PCB Potentiometer R1 (10 kOhm) and Capacitor C2 (10 uF).
  3. Remove them with soldering iron
  4. Replace capacitor C1 with other nominal. (Better will be nominal 0.01 uF)

For better quality C1 should be tantalum capacitor (Although type is no too critical, and also it can be ceramic).

That`s it. Now you can assemble your mic and test it. I hope you have got better frequency characteristic than before.

LSB on the Furuno Model FS1503

 To enable LSB on the Furuno Model FS1503 radio do the following:

You need to change system parameter 9914 to "0" to enable LSB capability.

System programming procedure:

While pressing and holding down the [CH] key, turn the power on to enter system programming mode, release the [CH] key after unit is on and "MEMO" shows in the display.

Select function 9999 by rotating the FREQ/CH knob.

Press [CH], [1], [5], [0], [3], and [ENT] keys. ("1503" is password.)

Select function 9914 by rotating the FREQ/CH knob, then press [CH], [0], and [ENT] keys.

To finish up, escape the programming mode by simply turning off the radio.

The system programming is completed.

zte c300 trunk mode

  gpon   profile tcont PPPOE type 4 maximum 9900000   profile tcont 100M type 4 maximum 100000   profile tcont 50M-TRUNK type 4 maximum 5000...