
8 Easy Firefox Tweaks for Super Fast Web Browsing

Fast loading web pages while surfing the Internet may have more to do with your web browser settings and preferences than your Internet connection speed.

Try these easy Firefox tweaks and you’ll see that you’re surfing the Internet from 3 to 30 times faster!

To get started, open your Firefox web browser. In the address/location bar type [about:config] and then press your Enter key. (NOTE: DON’T TYPE THE BRACKETS.)

Tweak #1:
In the Filter bar type [network.http.pipelining]. Then, double-click on this line under Preference Name in order to change the value from false to true.
Tweak #2:
In the Filter bar type [network.http.pipelining.maxrequests]. Then, double-click on this line under Preference Name and change the value from 4 to a higher number anywhere from 10 to 30. I set mine to 30.
Tweak #3:
In the Filter bar type [network.http.proxy.pipelining]. Then, double-click on this line under Preference Name in order to change the value from false to true.
Tweak #4:
In the Filter bar type [network.dns.disableIPv6]. Then, double-click on this line under Preference Name in order to change the value from false to true.
Tweak #5:
In the Filter bar type [plugin.expose_full_path]. Then, double-click on this line under Preference Name in order to change the value from false to true.
Tweak #6:
In the Filter bar type [network.protocol-handler.external.ms-help]. Now, you are going to create a new Preference Name with an Integer Value. To do this, right-click on this line under Preference Name and select New, then Integer.
In the New Integer value box type in [nglayout.initialpaint.delay] and click OK. Then in the Enter Integer value box type [0] (that’s a zero) and click OK.
Tweak #7:
In the Filter bar again type [network.protocol-handler.external.ms-help]. Now, you are going to create another new Preference Name with an Integer Value. To do this, right-click on this line under Preference Name and select New, then Integer. In the New Integer value box type in [content.notify.backoffcount] and click OK. Then in the Enter Integer value box type [5] and click OK.
Tweak #8:
In the Filter bar again type [network.protocol-handler.external.ms-help]. Now, you are going to create another new Preference Name with an Integer Value. To do this, right-click on this line under Preference Name and select New, then Integer. In the New Integer value box type in [ui.submenuDelay] and click OK. Then in the Enter Integer value box type [0] (that’s a zero) and click OK.

Now, close your web browser and restart it. You’ll see how much faster web pages are loading. I sure did.

Let me know if these tweaks increase your Internet browsing speed. Know of any other tweaks or tricks? Let me know and I’ll add them.


Modem CDMA Venus VT-10 di Ubuntu 6.06 (kutipan)

Modem Venus VT-10 dengan kartu FREN saya dikenali dengan baik oleh Ubuntu Dapper. Berikut ini sedikit langkah-langkah supaya saya gak lupa.

Colokin modem USB, tentunya dengan kartu CDMA didalamnya (saya pake FREN). Lihat dmesg jika ada pesan seperti berikut berarti modem usb sudah dikenali.

[17179589.504000] cdc_acm 1-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device
[17179589.508000] usbcore: registered new driver cdc_acm
[17179589.508000] drivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.c: v0.23:USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters

Konfigurasi /etc/wvdial.conf sebagai berikut:

[Dialer FREN]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Modem Type = USB Modem
Baud = 230400
New PPPD = yes
Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
ISDN = 0
Phone = #777
Password = m8
Username = m8
Auto DNS = 1
Stupid Mode = 1
Auto Reconnect = on

Jalankan wvdial.
$ sudo wvdial FREN

Sengaja wvdial tidak saya jalankan di background supaya mudah dalam mengidentfikasi pesan error. Jika tidak terdapat masalah akan terlihat message berikut di terminal

--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.55
--> Cannot get information for serial port.
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ
--> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
--> Modem initialized.
--> Sending: ATDT#777
--> Waiting for carrier.
--> Carrier detected. Starting PPP immediately.
--> Starting pppd at Sat Apr 21 09:34:43 2007
--> Pid of pppd: 5638
--> Using interface ppp0
--> pppd: ??[05][08]H?[05][08]
--> pppd: ??[05][08]H?[05][08]
--> pppd: ??[05][08]H?[05][08]
--> pppd: ??[05][08]H?[05][08]
--> local IP address
--> pppd: ??[05][08]H?[05][08]
--> remote IP address
--> pppd: ??[05][08]H?[05][08]
--> primary DNS address
--> pppd: ??[05][08]H?[05][08]
--> secondary DNS address
--> pppd: ??[05][08]H?[05][08]

Untuk memutus koneksi tinggal tekan Ctrl+C di terminal tersebut.

Jika sebelumnya sudah ada koneksi ethernet yang berjalan, kemungkinan default gateway tidak melalui ppp0. Untuk itu harus diubah default gateway ke ppp0.

$ sudo route del default
$ sudo route add default gw dev ppp0

Untuk monitoring bandwidth di Linux, bisa menggunakan KtrafficAnalyzer. Karena tidak menemukan paket untuk Dapper, saya pakai alien untuk menginstall paket rpm KtrafficAnalyzer.

Selain itu bisa juga menggunakan vnstat. Untuk cara instalasi silahkan baca disini . Karena saya hanya akan memonitor modem CDMA, maka vnstat saya jalankan agar memonitor interface ppp0
$ sudo vnstat -u -i ppp0

Oh iya, tips untuk menghemat quota bandwidth juga berlaku di Linux. Enaknya pake Linux, gak usah khawatir tiba-tiba ada download/upload misterius yang ngabisin quota. Tentu saja entri crontab juga harus diperiksa ^^

Demikianlah, semoga bermanfaat ^^.

Fonera Flash oswave/open wrt

  1. mount a serial adapter to the fonera device(the serial adapter documentation can be found at http://wiki.openwrt.org/OpenWrtDocs/Hardware/Fon/Fonera)
  2. set your terminal client to 9600-8-N-1
  3. enter the RedBoot console by pressing CTRL+C
  4. copy linux.bin to your tftp server directory
  5. configure the RedBoot bootloader IP and TFTP server settings using ip_address -l [local ip address] -h [remote server address]
  6. flash the unit by entering the following commands ;
RedBoot> fis init
About to initialize [format] FLASH image system - continue (y/n)? y
*** Initialize FLASH Image System
... Erase from 0xa83e0000-0xa83f0000: .
... Program from 0x80ff0000-0x81000000 at 0xa83e0000: .

load -r -v -b 0x80041000 linux.bin
Using default protocol (TFTP)
Raw file loaded 0x80041000-0x802e3fff, assumed entry at 0x80041000
RedBoot> fis create linux
... Erase from 0xa8030000-0xa82f0000: ............................................
... Program from 0x80041000-0x80301000 at 0xa8030000: ............................................
... Erase from 0xa83e0000-0xa83f0000: .
... Program from 0x80ff0000-0x81000000 at 0xa83e0000: .

enter the bootscript:
fis load -l linux

save the config and do


PCQ (Per Connection Queue) -- Part I

PCQ (Per Connection Queue) adalah jenis queue yang dapat digunakan untuk membagi atau membatasi traffic untuk multi-users secara dinamis, dengan sedikit administrasi.

Pembagian Bandwidth Sama Rata Untuk Multi Users
Gunakan queue jenis PCQ bila kita ingin membagi bandwidth secara rata (dan mengatur max-limit) untuk beberapa user. Kita akan memberikan contoh untuk pembagian limit bandwidth download sebesar 64 kbps dan upload sebesar 32 kbps.

Ada dua cara untuk melakukan ini :
  1. Menggunakan mangle dan queue tree
  2. Menggunakan Simple Queue
Dengan Mangle dan Queue Tree
1. Mark paket dengan mark-packet all :
/ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=all passthrough=no
2. Tambahkan 2 PCQ Type, satu untuk download dan satunya lagi untuk upload. Dst-Address adalah pengklasifikasian untuk traffic Download, sedang Src-Address adalah pengklasifikasian untuk traffic Upload :
/queue type add name=”PCQ_download” kind=pcq pcq-rate=64000 pcq-classifier=dst-address
/queue type add name=”PCQ_upload” kind=pcq pcq-rate=32000 pcq-classifier=src-address
3. Akhirnya, 2 buah rule queue ditambahkan, untuk download dan upload :
/queue tree add parent=global-in queue=PCQ_download packet-mark=all
/queue tree add parent=global-out queue=PCQ_upload packet-mark=all

Dengan Simple Queue
Jika anda tidak suka menggunakan mangle dan queue tree, anda dapat menggunakan satu rule queue seperti dibawah ini :
/queue simple add queue=PCQ_upload/PCQ_download target-addresses=

Sekedar tambahan buat tulisan diatas
First of all kan marking packet yang buat up dulu nih :
/ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=up passthrough=no
terus buat marking yang download-an kita pake kaya gini :
/ip firewall mange add chain=forward action=mark-connection new-mark-connection=down-conn passthrought=yes
/ip firewall mangle add chain=forward in-interface=Public mark-connection=down-conn action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=down passthrough=no
jangan lupa chain di set forward, dan passthrought di set no untuk connection-mark dan di set yes untuk packet-mark
setelah itu baru deh kita buat queque typenya :
/queue type add name=”PCQ_download” kind=pcq pcq-rate=64000 pcq-classifier=dst-address
/queue type add name=”PCQ_upload” kind=pcq pcq-rate=32000 pcq-classifier=src-address
ini kalo kita ingin membatasi up 32k dan down 64k, kalo kita pengen dia otomatis kaya yang bro ALOE tanyain kita bisa masukin ajah pcq-rate=0 jadi nantinya dia akan langsung menyesuaikan bandwidth yang ada dan pengguna yang ada di jaringan Local
selanjutnya tinggal bikin deh wuewue tree nya :
/queue tree add name=upload parent=global-in
/queue tree add name=download parent=Local
untuk upload kita menggunakan parent global-in karena kita ingin membatasi semua yang masuk menuju router, sedangkan untuk download kita menggunakan parent Local, karena inilah interface yang menuju ke jaringan lokal kita
selanjutnya tinggal bikin ajah anakan dari tree induk yang sudah kita buat diatas:
/queue tree add name=client-upload parent=upload queue=PCQ_upload packet-mark=up
/queue tree add name=”download” parent=Local queue=PCQ_download packet-mark=down
Nah sekarang setiap client kita akan mendapatkan bw 32k/64k dan kalau kita menggunakan 0 pada saat menset queue type bw akan otomatis terbagi

Proxy Server , Squid 2.6. Ubuntu

Now, I want to share my experience to install squid server on Ubuntu as transparent proxy.
One important thing you need is install Ubuntu Server edition, Just install basic package than configure the server to connected to internet properly. If needed, set the /etc/apt/sources.list to link to local repository server which near with your location for new version of package or just installed from your CD/DVD installer. For this tutorial, I’m using squid 2.6. Let’s go to run.

me@simplyeko:~$ sudo apt-get install squid

After all finished, edit the file configuration. Use your favorite editor. For this tutorial, I’m using “vi” as my favourite editor

me@simplyeko:~$ sudo vi /etc/squid/squid.conf

Find this in squid.conf and change it

visible_hostname proxy.simplyeko.com
cache_mgr admin@simplyeko.com
http_port 3128 transparent
always_direct allow all

That’s all you need to change on squid.conf, but if you want more configuration file for squid.conf you can use this setting in here as comparison. The keyword for transparent proxy configuration on squid.conf is http_port 3128 transparent.

Now create the cache directory by typing

me@simplyeko:~$ sudo squid -z

Now you can run the squid

me@simplyeko:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/squid start

Transparent proxy already set. Transparent proxy means that we don’t have to enter any proxy address on browser. If you browse a website, you are going to port 80. But with this tutorial, we’re forwarding any connection that’s going to port 80 to our squid server automatically. So let’s start setting this.

me@simplyeko:~$ sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

This method is to enabling ip forwarding

Put that script in your startup scripts.

Now you have to put masquerading method so you can forward the connection

me@simplyeko:~$ sudo apt-get install ipmasq

The last..

me@simplyeko:~$ sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp –dport 80 -j REDIRECT –to-port 3128

This command is for forward any request on port 80, will be forwarded to port 3128 (our squid port)

Now you can run transparent squid proxy

me@simplyeko:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/squid start

Congratulations….!!! You have Transparent Proxy on your server and ready for production.

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